Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Final question # 1

Research one company from the Internet and describe their MIS strategic plan in 1-2 paragraphs. Discuss too the impact of this strategic plan on the company's management, competitors, customers and the company as a whole.Evaluate how can this strategic plan be applied to any local company in the Philippines. Discuss too the possible effect on the company.Include your reference.
EDSG- Environmental Data Solution group LLC

Developing a strategic EHS MIS direction allows companies to move forward with EHS MIS projects that support overall management system objectives. A strategic planning effort can identify and prioritize near and long-term EHS MIS initiatives based on need, as well as develop high level scheduling and budgetary estimates. The EHS MIS strategic planning process is intended to define high level business needs, assess current systems for their ability to meet these needs, and develop a strategic framework for moving forward.
EDSG has developed numerous proprietary tools and processes that facilitate strategic planning including the following: SPF, KMR, and Legacy Review
Project Summary: Continental Airlines operates greater than 200 facilities worldwide ranging for aircraft maintenance facilities to major hubs to remote stations. Environmental Affairs are centralized in Houston, Texas and a staff of 5 is responsible for environmental compliance and management at each of these facilities. This very lean group was overwhelmed with data about sites but had very little available information for day-to-day use. EDSG was contracted to develop a strategic plan for management of a wide variety of environmental information. Functional requirements considered in the strategic plan and solution design were:
Compliance management ,Facilities information ,Environmental cost tracking,Remediation project tracking ,Document management ,Air permits ,Wastewater permits ,Waste management
Chemical inventory ,Spill reporting For each functional area, EDSG assessed current work practices, applications in place (if any), requirements for future solutions, integration points with other business applications, and output requirements. In addition to addressing functional requirements, EDSG addressed technical requirements and the framework required by Continental IT staff for new applications. Based on the analysis of processes, current and future, EDSG recommended an EHS MIS strategy and solution design for Continental. This design consisted of the use of existing applications, new COTS applications, integration with existing systems, and development of a web interface tying all components together.After completing the strategic plan and establishing EHS MIS priorities, the priority topics are typically addressed in detail. The detailed design involves defining requirements, assessing solution options, further defining economics, and documenting the design.This will allow companies to quickly address priority topics in sufficient design to immediately and rapidly begin building the system. EDSG detailed designs address and incorporate both COTS and custom components as needed.EDSG incorporates the following proprietary tools and methods into the detailed design process: ARD Templates and ARD Workshops, COTS Specification, and Architect Specification.An additional element often included in the detailed design is EDSG's cost/benefit analysis. EDSG has developed proprietary methods to quantify both direct and INDIRECT benefits.Indirect benefits include risk and liability avoidance and are estimated by considering the company history, forecasting possible future scenarios by running probabilistic simulations using Monte Carlo simulations.EDSG is the only company who has specific proven methods to address indirect benefits in a systematic and defensible manner. Genentech, El Paso Corporation, Petro-Canada
Goodrich Corporation. This strategic plan could be apply in different company, if the assign person will use the right and proper way of spending the money for the development and improvement of its operation the inside and outside activities to achieve excellent project and mission for the progress.

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