Wednesday, June 25, 2008

blog post #3

Justify or contradict these trends by citing example.
----- I agree, that Companies are using Mis as acompetitive strategy,
to make it easier for them to gather information for improvement
and development to bring progress in the community.
Using MIS makes a company a well known and a competitive one.

blog post #2

How can the managers and employees make use of information as a strategic, competitive advantage over their competitions?
----- The managers and employees make use of the information,
they must perform it in proper and organize way to achieve
the mission,vission goals and objectives of the company, with
the cooperation and help of everyone to be more competive
and to achieve success.

by: Katrina Mae Santiago
Mgt 7
5:15 to 6:15

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My feed back

The most striking idea of MIS is that to much of information is not good because some of the information is not applicable that brings your mind stressful. I have also learned that online in applying job is very easy and useful.